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![]() ──悅滿軒家具是專業生 產沙發的企業之一,本廠集客廳沙發的研發、生產、營銷、服務于一體,以其領先潮流的設計理念,精湛,專業的工藝、原創的專利外型在家私行業中蓬勃發展,本 廠堅持以人為本的企業理念,結合國際現代家居審美標準,視品質與服務為企業生存與發展的命脈,以“品質是我們的尊嚴,品質是我們的生命”、為基準,嚴格按 照國際標準實施品質管理并向更高水平邁進發展中的悅滿軒家具以:“引領客廳文化,鑄就世界名牌”為目標,積極進取,銳意創新,再鑄輝煌。 ──Yuemanxuan mafurniture facfory is one of the enterprlses that specialized in prod-ucingsofa we focus in developing new model, marketing and service to the custo-mer. with the lleading design concept, professional skill and original patent outlook, we are flouri shing in the furniture business area. we insist the way of people foremost, combine with the internationalmodern furniture standard, and regard the quality and service as the key of survi... [詳細介紹] |